Saturday, August 14, 2004

Coming Soon - a new site about Norma Shearer!

I've been working on a new site about the first lady of MGM, Norma Shearer since June. However, during its construction I also decided to purchase the new domain name of Classic Movie Favorites . While I transferred my 30+ sites to their new home at Classic Movie Favorites, I had to put the work on the Norma Shearer site aside. Now that my sites are all transferred (no small feat, I might add), I am now beginning work on this site again. However, since I will be back at work next week, in my regular day job, I won't be able to complete it as soon as I would like. So, I anticipate that this site will be online by October, at the earliest (I hope).

To be notified when this site is complete and online, please send me a request. I promise to email you at that time.

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